Box Breathing: A Mindfulness Technique

Okay, so your phone battery died and you can’t use that super cool mindfulness app you just downloaded. Or maybe you’re kicking it old school and want to practice mindful breathing the traditional way. Whatever your prerogative, we like it, and we challenge you to a duel! Just kidding. We just want you to practice breathing.

You only need a few minutes a day (let’s say 2 or 3). No need to over commit yourself. Start out jogging before you work before working your way up to that 40km marathon (metaphorically, of course).

Now find a quiet space and close your eyes. Draw a box in your mind, line by line. Start at the top. As you draw your imaginary line, inhale for 4 seconds. 

Now draw your next line but this time hold your breath for 4 seconds.

You are at the bottom. Imagine that line and exhale for 4 seconds.

Complete your box and hold your breath for your last 4 second count. 

Rinse and repeat.  


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Cognitive Behavioural Therapy