Dr. Betül Alaca


Hello! It seems like you stumbled upon my little corner of the Internet.

I am a Psychologist registered with the College of Psychologists of Ontario. My practice includes assessment and treatment for children and adolescents. I also provide parent consultations.

Be yourself

We all have aspects of ourselves that we find harder to share with the world. It can be so meaningful to find spaces and places where we feel comfortable discovering and being our true authentic selves. I aim to build strong relationships with those that I work with so that our time together can become one of those spaces in which you can comfortably learn about yourself and be who you are.


Integrative and flexible

I use an integrative approach to treatment based on your needs and values. My foundational training is in cognitive and behavioural treatment approaches. I also have experience adapting these treatments to better capture the needs of neurodiverse children and adolescents. I have received training in spiritually adapted therapies and integrate these into therapy when it is of interest to my clients. Additionally, I understand that play is a powerful tool for learning and growth, and I engage in play therapy with young children to support them in communicating their feelings.

Solving the puzzle

I provide assessment services to identify the underlying reasons for challenges experienced by children, adolescents, and their caregivers across developmental, school, and mental health domains. I also provide consultation services to caregivers to offer strategies that can be implemented at home to address challenges that they identify.

My background

I received my PhD in School and Clinical Child Psychology from the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education at the University of Toronto.

In addition to my private work, I am a Psychologist at a youth detention facility where my main roles are to provide treatment for youth with complex mental health needs and consult with staff on how to best support them. I also work as a Consultant with the Toronto District School Board where I deliver psycho-educational assessments and consult with school staff on how to best support students’ learning needs.